Reading challenges – Part one

The wonderful, tempting world of reading challenges! I must, I must practice restraint!

I’ve had lots of fun looking through all the challenges. Thank you to everyone hosting and for coming up with such wonderful ideas. I’m going to join these ones for now as they fit in well with my reading plans:

Hosted by Michelle at 1morechapter

Decades 2010 Rules:

1. Read a minimum of 10 books in 10 consecutive decades in 2010.
2. Books published in the 2000ā€™s do not count.
3. Titles may be cross-posted with any other challenge.
4. You may change your list at any time.

I have been looking forward to this challenge. After discovering it a bit late in the day last year to join. I thought of choosing 19th century books but think I will choose books from the 1900’s – 1990’s. There are a lot of authors to choose from as I have read hardly any and it will also fit in nicely with…

Hosted by Michelle at 1morechapter


1. Read 10 books from 10 different awards during January 1, 2010 through November 1, 2010.
2. Overlaps with other challenges are permitted.
3. Choices don’t have to be posted right away, and lists may be changed at any time.
4. ‘Award winners’ is loosely defined; make the challenge fit your needs.

I enjoyed this challenge last year when it was 5 books from 5 awards. It encouraged me to stretch my comfort zone and I’m expecting it to be stretched twice as much this year!

Hosted by Beth of Beth Fish Reads

So here’s how it works: Between January 1 and December 31, 2010, read one book in each of the following categories:

1. A book with a food in the title: Clockwork Orange, Grapes of Wrath, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
2. A book with a body of water in the title: A River Runs through It, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, The Lake House
3. A book with a title (queen, president) in the title: The Murder of King Tut, The Count of Monte Cristo, Lady Susan
4. A book with a plant in the title: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Wind in the Willows, The Name of the Rose
5. A book with a place name (city, country) in the title: Out of Africa; London; Between, Georgia
6. A book with a music term in the title: Song of Solomon, Ragtime, The Piano Teacher

The book titles are just suggestions, you can read whatever book you want to fit the category.

Fun! I’m thinking I will read for this challenge early on in the year. I have books in mind for all the categories except a music term. Hoping for some inspiration from the other participants.

Hosted by Lesley of A Life In Books

The challenge will be to read a set number of books that focus on books or reading. These can be fictional works, such as The Eyre Affair or The Shadow of the Wind; or non-fiction works such as 84, Charing Cross Road or The Polysyllabic Spree. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of books out there that would fit this challenge.

The challenge begins on January 1, 2010 and ends on December 31, 2010. You must sign up for the challenge by January 31st, 2010.

Lovely. I would like to read The Eyre Affair and am going to set some time aside especially to choose some more. This one was too enticing to resist..

9 responses to “Reading challenges – Part one

  1. Great selections – i’m in all four. Good luck and happy reading!

  2. Great challenges. I can’t resist a good challenge either, and have signed up for (11) for 2010 šŸ™‚

    (Planned on doing 5)LOL

  3. Welcome to the What’s in a Name Challenge! I’m not sure what I’m doing for the music term either.

  4. I joined the Bibliophilic Books challenge too. I am excited about it. Here is my sign up post and list of book.

    I’m looking forward to seeing which books you pick.

    Happy reading!

  5. Pingback: Decades 2010 – Decades 2010

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